What Is TED Hose: When Compared To Compression Socks

What Is TED Hose When Compared To Compression Socks

Let’s start off by asking, “What is TED hose?”

Stockings called TED hose help to reduce swelling and blood clots in the legs. These stockings may be necessary if you recently underwent surgery or are unable to get out of bed.

Additionally, if you’re old or have a history of blood clots, you might require them. Your legs will be measured by medical professionals to ensure that the stockings fit comfortably. They will demonstrate how to put the stockings on for you and anyone else who will be caring for you.

Please keep reading to learn more details about what TED hose is.

TED Hose Description

Patients who are non-ambulatory, or not up and moving around on their own, may be given TED hose. The risk of a blood clot forming in these patients’ legs is a top concern for medical professionals because clots can escape from the legs and travel through the bloodstream to the lungs, where they can cause a pulmonary embolism. By applying pressure to the lower leg and feet, with the most compression occurring at the calf muscle, TED hose help lower this risk. Blood is more likely to collect in the calf of patients who are in bed because this provides the ideal conditions for clot formation.

As with blood pressure, the compression levels of TED hoses are expressed in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Compression levels for TED hoses are 20 mmHg or less. Patients may use TED hose for up to three weeks before being able to move around again or receiving a different form of treatment to lower their risk of blood clots.

What Should I Know Before Putting On TED Hose?

  • At least 15 minutes prior to donning the stockings, lie down with your legs propped up on pillows.
  • To make it easier to put the stockings on your legs, sprinkle a little powder on your ankles. Find out what kind of powder to use by speaking with your doctor.
  • Over your foot, pull the stocking. After that, gather the loose material and pull the stocking up your leg quickly and briefly.

What Else Do I Need To Know About TED Hose?

  • Wear your stockings as direcTED throughout the day. Additionally, you might be instrucTED to wear them at night while you sleep.
  • At least once every 4 hours throughout the day, check the color and temperature of your toes. If you notice any changes in your toes, take off the stockings.
  • Make sure the stockings stay in place and are smooth. Don’t allow them to fall at the top. No wrinkling is permitTED. Your legs and feet’s blood flow can be halTED by wrinkles under the toes. Leg wrinkles can put pressure on your skin, causing skin damage.
  • For washing, remove your stockings as instrucTED. Every time you remove your stockings, wash your legs and look for rashes or damaged skin.
  • In warm water with a mild soap, wash the stockings. Another pair of stockings may be required of you while the first pair are being washed.
  • If your stockings are worn out or damaged, buy some new ones.

When Should I Get In Touch With My Medical Professional?

  • Your toes swell, become chilly, appear blue, or you are unable to move them.
  • You experience leg pain or cramps.
  • You have queries or worries regarding your condition or treatment.

Compression Socks Description

Compression socks work best for patients who can move around, whereas TED hose are prescribed for non-ambulatory patients. Patients with circulatory issues like varicose veins, lymphedema, and venous insufficiency typically wear compression socks. This may only be a passing condition for some patients, such as during pregnancy. The range of compression pressures is 15 to 20 mmHg to 60 mmHg. Prescription strength is defined as anything greater than 20 mmHg. Since the ankles are the areas with the most pressure, compression socks help prevent blood from collecting there.

Difference Between Compression Socks And TED Hose

The bottom line is that while compression socks have a wider range of uses and can be worn every day as a preventative measure, TED hose are made for medical recovery. Both are compression garments that promote healthy circulation, but they serve different purposes in general.

In this article, we’ll go over TED hose vs. compression socks and when each should be worn.

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What To Know About TED Hose

TED hose are a type of stocking specifically designed to prevent blood clots and swelling in your legs. Compression socks and bandages have a lot in common because both prevent blood clots by applying pressure in the same way. But are compression stockings and TED hose interchangeable? In short: no.


Also known as anti-embolism stockings, the term “TED hose” stands for “thromboembolic deterrent hose” – the medical term they’re known by in the professional world. In order to prevent the development of blood clots, they are specifically made to apply pressure to the legs’ superficial veins.

The main purpose of TED hose is to prevent blood clots or embolism in non-mobile persons or bedridden post-surgery patients. They will maintain a normal blood flow for those who aren’t moving their legs while they are moving around, preventing blood from building up in the leg.

One of the key distinctions between TED hose and compression socks or stockings is that doctors use them on patients who are bedridden or have limiTED mobility. You shouldn’t be expecTED to move around while wearing TED hose because they typically leave the toes exposed. While helping people manage venous conditions or simply prevent swollen legs and feet from standing for an extended period of time, compression socks come in a variety of pressure levels and can be worn all day without any problems.

Compression Level

Millimeters of mercury (mmHg) are used to measure the amount of pressure that compression clothing exerts; the higher the number, the higher the pressure. For TED hose, pressure applied on the leg is actually the lightest level, with a compression level of 8-18 mmHg.

Since TED hose are used for non-mobile patients, the compression is less intense because the patient is not on their feet. While legs can still swell while laying down,

Duration Of Use

In contrast to compression stockings, which are typically obtained through a medical procedure, TED hose are prescribed by doctors to patients recovering from surgery. Patients use TED hose for short-term recovery periods, up to a maximum of three weeks after a surgery. The requirement for wearing TED hose vanishes as soon as they can walk and engage in other forms of exercise.


TED Hose only come in beige, black, or white because they are not intended for fashionable wear, like many other medical supplies. This is fine for recovery since patients don’t usually walk, but compression socks are the best option for those who want cute patterns with their compression.

What Is TED Hose When Compared To Compression Socks
What Is TED Hose: When Compared To Compression Socks

What To Know About Compression Socks

Beyond their intended use, TED hose differ from compression stockings in their design, the length of time they should be worn for, and the level of pressure they delivers. The two products’ main distinctions are as follows.


For a number of hours at a time, compression socks can be worn casually, like on a lengthy flight. Compression stockings should typically be worn every day. Gradually tighter compression is used in compression socks to gently hug the leg, promoting blood flow all day. Blood doesn’t collect in the ankles and legs because of this compression. GraduaTED compression has been used for hundreds of years and has made countless people’s lives more comfortable. The advantages of compression socks include:

  • Reduced Swelling
  • Increased energy
  • Reduced Aches and Pains
  • Increased Muscle Recovery
  • Improved Athletic Performance
  • Better Sleep
  • Improved Circulation
  • Reduced Varicose veins

Compression Level

Compression socks typically range from 15-20 mmHg (over-the-counter) to 40-50 mmHg (medical class). Although firm compression may not be right for everyone (depending on your health concerns), you might think about asking your doctor for a prescription for higher-level compression socks.


As mentioned above, TED hose typically have open toes and come in knee-high or thigh-high styles. At the level of the toes, there is an access point for inspection through which doctors can assess the patient’s blood circulation. TED stockings may slide down your legs and/or bunch up because they are not designed for walking around in, even when you are moving around in a hospital bed.

As an alternative, compression socks are a stylish item that come in a variety of hues and designs. The vast majority of them can be easily purchased over the counter or online and do not require a prescription. They can have a higher or lower rise, as well as sleeves and footless styles. There are graduaTED compression stockings, which fall under the general category of compression socks, with the ankle receiving the highest level of compression.

Duration Of Use

Every day, compression socks can be worn all day long. Compression socks can sometimes be worn continuously without causing discomfort for some people. Compression socks can be worn as much or as little as you’d like because they’re used as a preventative measure. Numerous people use compression socks without a doctor’s prescription because they like the advantages they provide. Replace your compression socks frequently if you wear them frequently. Compression socks should be replaced every six months if worn daily.


Finally, what is TED hose?

The purpose of TED hose is to keep blood from clotting by applying a light static pressure to the legs. The likelihood of developing blood clots in the legs increases after major joint replacement or thoracolumbar spine surgery. Additionally, spider veins, varicose veins, and leg and ankle swelling are all treaTED with compression clothing. Serious vein issues and diseases may be halTED in their tracks with TED hose.

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